Calendar of Events

Folks, traveling parties will be forming and "jumping off" from Independence, Missouri in early February. Prepare yourselves for a fast and furious virtual journey!!


Travel and FATES Schedule:

Week 1:
Initial preparation: organization of wagons, supplies, preliminary decisions, identities, supplies & map & Diary #1 Oregon Fever

Week 2:
Travel & FATES:#1 Independence to #22 Fort Laramie
**Trail Decision #1=FATE#20**

Week 3:
Travel & FATES #23A Register Cliff to #37 Steamboat Spring
**Trail Decision #2=FATE#33**

Week 4:
Travel & Final FATES #38 Fort Hall to #47 The End of the Trail
**Trail Decision #3=FATE#43**

Week 5:
Final - Willamette Valley -Wagons roundup--finish classroom projects.



Weekly Trail Meetings:

Pioneers (students), have a chance to have some laughs, make friends of your fellow travelers, and make those critical trail decisions, together. Come in your Sunday-go-to-meetin' clothes and bring your best manners, Pardners!

Date Topic
Week One  Preparation
Week Two  Decision at Horse Creek Crossing
Week Three  Decision - Parting of the Ways
Week Four  Decision - Whitman Mission
Week Five   Reunion!


Campfire Meetings:

For Scouts (teachers) traveling together, this one's for you! Drop into the warm and convival Campfire Meetings. Get comfortable...share your successes, tales and questions.

Date Topic
Week One Meet the Scouts - Getting Ready
Week Three   Life on the Trail
(Share "mid-project" experiences)
Week Five Trail's End
(project debriefing)


End of the Trail Celebration:

All good things come to an end...and so does our journey on the Ol' Oregon Trail, Pardners. At Trail's End, it is only right and fitting that we set a spell, together, and reflect on our time together...our trials and tribulations, our adventures and fun...and the shining new life ahead of us in Oregon's green valleys! Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa!

wagon wheel
wagon wheel
wagon wheel
General Store/Resources



Travel & Fates

Map of Oregon Territory Classroom Teacher, The Wagonmaster
© 1991 - 2013Leni Donlan and Katheleen Ferenz
All Rights Reserved

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Last Updated: 12/24/12