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Travel the Trail with the Westward Ho! Wagontrain

Journey of ...

Travel: Anytime with your classroom

Dear Pioneers and Scouts,

Load those wagons........kiss the kin goodbye.........get ready for adventure, drama, comedy, tragedy, and fantastic learning as we hit the Oregon Trail and head out west! Back for its eighteenth year, this simulated journey allows classes to travel the trail as part of the Westward HO! Wagon Train. In classrooms across the country, collaborative families, based on real families from America's past, make daily decisions (travel and fate scenarios are provided by the project moderators) that will influence their safe arrival in Oregon.

To all the brave souls that join us... Godspeed and safe traveling.

Yore Faithful Wagonmaster

wagon wheel
wagon wheel
wagon wheel
General Store/Resources



Travel & Fates

Map of Oregon Territory Classroom Teacher, The Wagonmaster
© 1991 - 2013Leni Donlan and Katheleen Ferenz
All Rights Reserved

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Last Updated: 3/30/2015