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Edison Cylinder Recording

Edison Standard Cyliner Player

Cylinder Records

In 1877, Thomas Edsion found a way to record sound on a tin-foil cylinder. A few years later, Chichester A. Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter developed a wax cylinder. In 1887, Edison continued working on his phonograph using wax cyliders. The phonograph became a popular form of entertainment. Cylinder records were produced until 1929.

Listen to the words in Every Little Bit Added to What You've Got Makes Just a Little Bit More by Collins and Harlan.

Carnegie is mentioned in the song? Do you know who Andrew Carnegie was? See the PBS Website below to learn about his impact on America.

The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie

Now, listen to the song again. Identify ideas that relate to Andrew Carnegie.


Updated May 12, 2010
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